Similar words: in width, column, columned, columnar, columnist, air column, fifth column, columniation.
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1. Say that the field is requesting a column width.
2. properties defines the column header names, column width, and control names for the jspTableID key.
3. WRAPPED - When the column value exceeds the column width, wrap the value to the next row.
4. TRUNCATED - When the column value exceeds the column width, truncate the exceeding characters.
5. The actual column width may be greater than the value specified by this property.
6. Use the TableColumn class to define each column width and its title, as shown in Listing 2.
7. The version of the same calculation method is column width and row height method.
8. Note: Specify column width explicitly if you plan to use Fop as described in this article.
9. One unit of column width is equal to the width of one character in the Normal style.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
10. They can go for the lower end of column width because they have a lot of control over the text (hyphenation and justification).
11. In fact, I could not find any example anywhere of how to restrict a column width to be within a given range.
12. We will try to keep its size uniform, one column width.
13. Khoi Vinh (creative director of the New York Times Online) on the column width (measure) in NYT Editor's Choice reacting to my claim that "3-5 words per line is not how it works.
14. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether text automatically shrinks to fit in the available column width.
15. Different kind of Magazine theme that adjusts columns and column width to fit any and all kind of monitor widths.
16. Dialog box, you can evaluate sample data and automatically resize the length of these columns to prevent truncation of data or excess column width.
17. Experimental research and analysis of the seismic behavior of reinforced concrete eccentricbeam-column joints with eccentricity larger than one-fourth of the column width are introduced.
18. Note - if the spreadsheet column is not wide enough to show all available decimal places, then the spreadsheet will round the number to the available column width.
19. Out only complaint here is that while the content is formatted to one column width, you can scroll off to the right for some reason.
20. Layout information can contain the columns you want to place in the grid, as well as additional information such as formatting information, column grouping, column width, and so on.
21. In a few words: when user simply clicks over the grid certain events come in the certain order which differs from the order of event occurring when user changes the column width.
More similar words: in width, column, columned, columnar, columnist, air column, fifth column, columniation, spinal column, column heading, newspaper column, gossip columnist, vertebral column, newspaper columnist, width, column chromatography, bandwidth, widthwise, pulse width, low bandwidth, high bandwidth, pulse width modulation, columbo, columba, columbia, columbus, columbian, columbite, columbine, columella.